Monday, June 21, 2010

Hebrews 11v11-12

It was by faith that Sarah herself, who was barren, received power to conceive a child even when long past the right age, since she considered that God, who had promised, was trustworthy. Thus it came about from one man, and him more or less dead, there was born a family as many as the stars of heaven in number, as uncountable as the sand on the seashore.

Abraham lived in a time when certain behaviors were acceptable that would not be today. Then there are things like pretending your wife is your sister to save your neck regardless of the ramifications that may have for her. That is just wrong on multiple levels. This was not Abraham at his best. However, God's grace was sufficient and apparently so was Sarah's.

Being a husband who tries his best to do the right thing can sometimes lead you into dangerous territory though. Many times there is no right thing to do, just trust God and make decisions that are as God honoring as possible. Not everyone will be able to appreciate this and that also is understandable. The Father chooses the foolish things to shame the wise. We see this with most every character of faith, every single prophet, the apostles and of course Jesus himself (the one we are to model and reflect)and we also see, in many cases where faith stumbles or in Judas case...when faith fails - some sin leads to death, some does not.

To be a man of faith, it helps to have a woman of faith to stand along side you. Now when Sarah first heard that she was going to be with child, given her age, she just about busted a gut. The three did not think it so funny and she was quickly rebuked for her unbelief. Then she considered who had made the promises and that the creator of the universe just might be able to get it done. Not only from Abraham, but through Sarah. This is the picture of Jesus and his Bride, the Church. Light giving birth to Light until the whole everlasting city, she shines. By the blood of the cross, we have been given the right to be called children of God...whose glory is in his wife and children. He gives his glory to no one else.

And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb. Amen

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