Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Howdy Neighbor: Luke 10v25-37

Just after we learn of Jesus celebrating God's will being accomplished, on earth as in heaven and his vision of the fall of the chief prosecutor(satan)from heaven like lightening, we have a lawyer show up to test Jesus. Doesn't it just seem to happen that way sometimes? Anyway...

The lawyer asks him a question, Jesus points him back to the commandments with a rebuttal question and the man answers well (a very common rabbinic interaction). Then in an effort to justify himself (really to cover his hatred of his neighbors), the lawyer asks Jesus, "Who is my neighbor?".

Jesus proceeds to tell him a story with a Samaritan as the hero, the one who did the right thing over and above those who were supposed to be holy, the children of Light (We will see more of this from Jesus, not least of which is the parable of the dishonest manager in Luke 16). This Samaritan did the will of God. He did not ask who is my neighbor, but rather asked who am I a neighbor to...and then he acted with exceeding compassion. I reiterate, this Samaritan, did the will of God. Did our Lord not say, ""Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." But this Samaritan, heard the Word of the Lord and believed in Him. Who then has entered the Kingdom of God?

I wonder how it would go over today...who are the Samaritans to the Christian Church at large? Why is there a need for movie's titled things like "Lord, Save Us From Your Followers" - would most Christians turn to justify themselves like this lawyer..."they just don't want to hear the truth!" Do the children of this world still deal more shrewdly with the people than we, those who are called to be children of Light by God's grace? I'm not sure, but if you ever find yourself beat down on the road...I hope there's a 'good Samaritan' that walks by...he might convert you to Christ and you can let him know he's a Christian. Then you can both enter together and glorify God in the Messiah.

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