Friday, January 21, 2011

Discipleship: A Return to Grace


It's me, Justin, celebrating God's call and the Lord's faithfulness...I'm very excited to share this word with you...thank you to those who have been praying for me in Christ! I'm just going to dive right in...

At Christmas, my pastor came to me, seemingly out of nowhere…one of those foyer encounters, and told me that the Lord had discipleship for us in 2011. So, of course, I started praying for confirmation and listening. The Lord is faithful. So I asked, Father, what do you have for us to do? Where do you want us to go? He made me wait…and in waiting…He called me to seek, to look and see all the ways and people he has been sending to me and working on me through and then He said, My child, this is what I’ve been preparing for us to do together…I trust He has already prepared the hearts of those who will join us in this.

I just left a powerful time of fellowship with some of my brothers and He just confirmed again and again, word after word, throughout the night…before I had even told them what He had put on my heart. So, I came home stoked out of my mind and couldn’t wait to send this out.

Grace and peace,

Discipleship: A Return to Grace
The Essence of being a Disciple of Jesus and a Child of God

Purpose: To glorify the Father and our Lord Jesus through obedience to His commission to make disciples of all peoples

Place: My house


The Holy Scriptures

The Cost of Discipleship, by Dietrich Bonheoffer

Considering Luke 14v25-35 and the Sermon on the Mount

Beginning Monday, February 7th @ 8pm
(We’ll discuss the frequency and specific nature of gatherings as the Body)

The Radical Cross, by A. W. Tozer

Considering Matthew 16v24-28 and the Passion Narratives

Ash Wednesday (March 9th) – Good Friday (April 22nd)

Agape Road, by Bob Mumford

Considering Matthew 7v13-29 and John 14, 17

Easter (April 24) – Pentecost (June 12th)

Please message me at or give me a call 561-512-9276 with any questions or thoughts. Please, do not let the cost of the materials listed above deter you, call me.

Now, may the LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace. Amen


  1. I am VERY interested! I desire that radical passionate faith. I might have to move some commitments around to make the timing work so.. praying for God's leading. Thank you for your openness to God's call and willingness to surrender to it. bless you, Missy and fam.

  2. This is great man. Too bad I live way up here in NC.

  3. Hope you can make it Missy. I know and am always encouraged by your heart and have no doubt you would have a lot of insight to offer to our chats.

    Jkub...maybe you guys can dig in up there and we can take the convo online in some way as well? What's distance got to do with anything anymore :-)

