Thursday, July 7, 2011

Cost? That's Heresy! Luke 14v25-35

"The followers of Christ have been called to peace. . . . And they must not only have peace but also make it. And to that end they renounce all violence and tumult. In the cause of Christ nothing is to be gained by such methods. . . . His disciples keep the peace by choosing to endure suffering themselves rather than inflict it on others. They maintain fellowship where others would break it off. They renounce hatred and wrong. In so doing they over-come evil with good, and establish the peace of God in the midst of a world of war and hate...When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die." ' Dietrich Bonhoeffer - The Cost of Discipleship

If you follow Jesus for a while you will discover that there is a cost. It is no help to anyone to call people into the faith under false pretenses. Why? Because when that day comes you will have set them up for failure and prepared them not to stand in loving obedience, but have delivered them into a crisis of faith. The builder should take care how he/she builds.

Jesus is headed into a crisis situation and from this point on, forging the way into the new world that His Father is bringing will indeed require letting go of everything and being fully prepared to suffer a humiliating and torturous death. Make no mistake 'bearing your cross' was not a euphemism for 'right living', he very much meant...get ready to die the death of a martyr...the death of a prophet of Israel.

We may say to ourselves, oh, things were different back then and we have to make the message relevant for today. Indeed, if one has been called into Christ, they have been called for a reason and there will come a time when we are called to make tough decisions, when family and home and even self need to become irrelevant, when you realize that you are citizen, a soldier and an ambassador of Heaven and your life is not your own. Is a servant greater than His master? No. What was expected of Jesus, is expected of us. No where in the bible does it say that He suffered so we don't have to, it says that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life...He says, "Come, follow me". He says, "As my Father sent me into the world, so I send you." We have had our sins forgiven and the Spirit given us for these purposes. Yes, God loves you, he is your Father and he has invited you into the family is a rough business at times, but it is's promises and the hope of glory therein...well no eye has seen, nor ear heard all that He has prepared for those that love Him. The rulers of that age would not understand this, otherwise they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. Nevertheless, God's new creation will break forth whether they are on board or not. It will be brought to completion, whether our rulers and authorities get it or not too.

The two parables Jesus then tells lead us back to Herod who started to rebuild the temple, even though Jesus already told us YHWY had abandoned it, so to what end was he rebuilding? Herod would be the fellow who began to build, but couldn't finish. This will not be the case with the Word of God, come hell (2 Peter 3v11-13) or high water (Matthew 7v24-25) He will bring it to completion.

The next parable refers the listeners to the fact that much of Israel wanted a war with Rome. Most,however, did not understand the full weight of what they were desiring, perhaps if they did they would have accepted Jesus way of peace. It's kind of like some small tribal people in Afghanistan with no internet or tv, some extremist hands them an AK-47 and tells them God wants them to kill the American infidels who've invaded their land. Well they likely do not know that the one US scout they get a shot off on will bring down the full weight of the US military, drones and all on their little village. Had they known that, the way of Jesus would have been much wiser. Even if it meant giving up all their possessions, is not life more than possessions?

Israel had been called to be the salt of they earth, the ones who bring flavor and preservation, growth and fertility...but if the salt has lost it's savour, people throw it away. This is as true today as ever, the Israel of God, those who struggle with man and God and are victorious, the royal priesthood in Messiah Jesus are called to be the salt of the earth. Are we being that, despite the costs, for the hope that has been set before us? The hope of glory, Messiah in us.

Lord have mercy on us, sinners, and fill us again with your Holy Spirit and lead us into the way of peace, at all costs. If you are for us, who could be against us? Amen

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