Friday, April 9, 2010

the small things

I am really thankful for my vocation and the skills and abilities I have to been given to provide for my family… from a home, to food on the table, to clothing and shoes…even so blessed to have some entertainment and recreational activities. This is what a father does, he provides. These things are necessary and not to be discarded as unimportant, but if not in proper context and measure they lose any value and can become destructive idols. The idea, the goal, is to bring everything into its glad, wise and fruitful order. That means getting both our minds and our heart tuned into exactly what that looks like.

Yesterday, Ayden, my youngest son who is 3 years old was very sick. Probably the worst I’ve seen him, in competition with only one other occurrence. These situations always work on a father; uncomfortable, concerned, groaning inwardly and without the ability to “just fix it” on my own.

I will say that in no other situation am I more completely bedazzled with Robin, my wife. She is with him without sleep, without complaining, doing what is necessary to comfort him, to cool his writhing little body and calm his fears and anxieties with a gentle, steady and patient voice. “It’s gonna be ok honey.” Not always happy, but persevering in joy and hope...

Last night, there was opportunity for me, via digital media, to gather up the prayers of the Lord’s people for God to comfort and heal my little boy in proper time. Prayers went up from people of all different denominations and backgrounds, different states and different races and creeds and tongues…one thing in common, trust that God is God and Jesus is Lord and that our prayers are heard.

It is with that standing behind me that I could then step into the situation, get down on my knees, lay my hands on his blistering hot little forehead and take him by the weak little hand and offer it up fully and fervently to the Lord. Giving thanks and gratitude for all that I saw Him doing in our lives and acknowledging both His sovereignty in the situation as well as His presence in us and around us…comforting and healing not only Ayden, but Mom and Dad too.

So today, as he rests comfortably with his temperature stabilized and his beautiful smile and laugh breaking through all the darkness of last night, I now wish to gather up and offer the praises of his people. I reflect on my wife and can’t help but to think of the state of His Church and the glimmers of hope and life I see, I think of my son and I can’t help but think of those who are sick and suffering – finding healing embrace here and there, I think of myself and just how much work is left to be done and those moments like last night and today when I understand the weight of what it is to be a father… So I want to thank God that he has brought the complete healing and restoration of my son, that certainly has yet to be fully realized, but never-the less has come rushing into the present so immediately and so vibrantly. I thank my Father in heaven that the body of Christ was broken and poured out for the healing of His beautiful, funny, energetic, creative, life-giving little creation. My little Ayden.

Weeping may tarry for the night,
but joy comes with the morning

Seek first the kingdom of God and his covenant faithfulness, and all these things will be added to you.

Please join me in celebrating…

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